International call for projects

Game in Lab’s international call for projects is open to researchers from all over the world and aims to support the production of scientific knowledge about board games. Game in Lab has already supported more than twenty researchers through its previous international calls for projects.

 The 2024 call for projects is closed!

The 2024 call for projects is closed!

Subscribe to our Game in Lab newsletter to stay informed about the launch of the next call for projects!

International Call for Projects Presentation

Fundamental or applied research projects, disciplinary or interdisciplinary, are welcome from any private or public research institution. Projects lasting up to 24 months are eligible. This year, special attention will be given to projects that investigate the following areas of focus: “Sustainability and Justice,” “Fifty Years of Dungeons and Dragons,” “Healthy People and/or a Healthy Planet”, and “Cultural Heritage.”

Financial Support

This year’s endowment is 45 000€. Each project will be eligible for a maximum grant of 20 000€.

Eligibility criteria

  • Applications from public research institutions will receive special attention. They can be associated with other institutions, private or public.
  • Eligible expenses include operating costs (purchase of small equipment, travel expenses, etc.) and the remuneration of PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, temporary research engineers, or interns.
  • Co-financing is encouraged.

Expected Project Outcomes

Appointed teams contribute to Game in Lab’s mission of disseminating and popularizing scientific knowledge about board games by publishing scientific or popular articles and participating in scientific events.

Submit an application

Applications must be submitted online and include all required documents, as specified in the detailed call for projects. You can edit a submitted application until the deadline using the link provided in the confirmation email after submission.


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